Most websites aren't accessible for all
We need more websites built with an accessible-first approach so that the World Wide Web lives up to being for everyone, as its inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee originally intended.
A11Y Websites showcases websites that have correctly implemented all or most of the ingredients to meet success criteria set out in the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.1 to be accessible for as many users as possible.
Hopefully you'll find the website a helpful starting point if you're looking to make your own website more accessible or looking for inspiration from accessible websites.
All websites featured are reviewed by Calum Ryan, the author of this website, with automated and manual accessibility testing methods.
Attributions for this website goes to Max Böck which this website took inspiration from using code and design from The Whimsical Web and Joel Strohmeier's method for building accessible cards–block links.
A11Y Websites was built using Eleventy which is a static website generator.